Thursday 7 April 2016

FLR(M) Approval

Hey guys, sorry it's been a bit since I've written! It's been a busy few weeks here. The initial fiancĂ© visa I was granted to enter the UK was only good for six months. During this time I couldn't work or volunteer. So, since day one of me living here, we were busy gathering the paperwork for my next visa. This one is good for two and a half years, plus I can work! Hooray! This time around, it was pretty straightforward, and we did not waste our money on a lawyer. In fact, we chose to pay a fee to have an in person appointment for a same day answer. There was no interview, no hard questions literally I handed them my paperwork, had fingerprints taken and waited 45 minutes for an approval! This was a great accomplishment, as it means I can stay here longer and actually work! My parents arrived the next day, so job searching would start the day after they left.  Sorry, this isn't a fun post.. But just wanted to fill you all in. Oh yeah, FLR means further leave of remain (m) marriage. After five total years here, I am eligible for indefinite leave and citizenship if I choose that route. If we can afford it, I probably will go for it because unless I do, I am not eligible for public funds if I ever needed them like disability etc.

Xx Erica

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