Monday 24 October 2016


I was washing dishes listening to music as our wedding song came on.  Ant just happened to walk in and we danced/hugged to the song.  I can't help but to reflect on the last ten months since I left Saint Louis.  Last December, I left Saint Louis in tears.  I was so scared of the unknown.  I never once doubted that I loved my husband, but moving across the world and leaving everything I know behind was extremely scary.

In the past ten months, I can officially say life is good.  People ask me constantly if I am homesick.  That is such a complicated question.  Yes, I do miss my family and friends.  I miss you all a lot.  I really miss just bumming around town on Saturdays with my mom.  However, that being said Peterborough is home now.  I don't get sad to often from being homesick.  Sure, I miss people, place and things but I don't look back on my decision to move here. 

The hardest things for me is when family is all together, and I don't get to be a part.  I love that my mom makes the effort to Facetime me, so I can say hello to everybody. just isn't the same.  It also hit me extremely hard when we lost my Grandma, and I was so far away.  Thankfully, we got to come home for the funeral, but I would be lying if I said I never get sad about losing her still.  Knowing that when we come home at Thanksgiving and she won't be there is still hard. 

I get sad knowing that there will be incidents like that in the future, that I most likely won't be able to get home for.  I just try not to dwell on it.

I would say that in the past ten months I have really adapted to life here.  I have tried to immerse myself into the culture (you wouldn't think it was much different but it is) as I possibly can.  I was extremely lucky to get a job right off the bat, and then find a better job shortly after.  I know a lot of people struggle getting work here as an American.  I am learning to drive (Finally), I no longer feel like a lost puppy when I go shopping alone, and I would like to say I am making friends.  It is hard not having any really close friends here.  Sometimes, a girl just needs a gal pal.  I know it will come in time,but sometimes I wish it would come right now. 

My relationship with my husband is amazing.  I feel like people say marriage is hard work, and I am not saying we never have moments, but so far it is nothing short of amazing.  We work together as a team in every aspect from money to taking care of Lilly.  Anthony takes such good care of me, and I would like to say I do the same for him.  I feared when I first moved, that it would be hard to adjust to living together when we never had (much less lived in the same country).  However, my fears were wrong. The hardest part is getting him to eat my cooking! ;)  I know that God guided me to my life partner, and any issues we have God guides us through them.  We work together as a team, and know that communication is truly key.  We laugh together, cry together, and occasionally get angry together.  But the most important thing is we never stop loving each other.  It is truly incredible. 

We travel home in 29 days and I am really looking forward to it.  I can't wait to see family and hopefully our friends.  I can't wait to sink my teeth into some dill pickles and Mexican food.  Not to mention Thanksgiving dinner!

Until next time
XX  Erica

Sunday 16 October 2016

Driving in the UK

Hello there!

I finally took the plunge, and started driving. Well, learning that is. Let me tell you I was petrified. I put it off for so long, first it was because money (lessons are fifty pounds each, your permit is twenty five or so,the written exam is like thirty, and the driving exam is  sixty two), then it got crazy with going home unexpectedly and starting a new job. So, September came around and I decided now more excuses. While, I love my husband and he's so good at taking me places..I just what that independence back. I could ride the bus, but sometimes it means switching lines just to get to one place. 

My first lesson was after work one day. My instructor, is a nice friendly guy took me to a country road because there's nobody ever there. Let me just tell you this was bologna! The road was filled with cyclist and other cars that night, I think it even surprised him. The good news is, I picked up manual really quick. It was so much easier than I expected. However, I may have drove in the grass a few times. English roads are so much smaller, country roads often time since have no lanes. Whenever a car comes at you, you literally feel like you will collide. 

My next lesson was much better. Instead of just driving up and down a road, I actually took a journey through the country. I also drove on dual carriageways (2 lane highways speed is 70 mph).  This was exhilarating, to be able to actually drive again. Not on same back road going 30 mph, but really drive.    Then it came to one of the bloody roundabouts England love as much, and I put it into wrong gear. Great way to end my lesson, huh? 😜

Overall, my instructor said I picked it up even faster then he could have imagined. He said he's taught Americans before with driving experience, but I've picked it up better than they did. Hopefully, I'll pass my test in December!

Driving rules are pretty similar here as the states, but they use roundabouts to control traffic much more than traffic lights. It works, but man they are scary. 

Friday 12 August 2016

August is here

Now that I am caught up, well at least given a quick run down of the past few months...let me just say this.  I have been in the UK for eight months now.  WHAT???? I have been married for eight months now! Where does the time go?? While the last eight months have been mostly wonderful, there has been some downs.  But, thanks to my lovely, adoring husband I have made it through.  I even have exciting news to share.  Starting Monday I am starting a new position with the local water company.  While I am glad to have gained the experience and friendships I did at my past job, there is many reasons I needed to move on.  I am excited and nervous to start this new adventure in life.  However,
I must say I am pretty proud of myself.  I am on this forum called UK Yankee, which is full of advise and just conversation for life in the UK for Americans.  Everybody on there said it was so hard to get their first job.  I got my first job within a month of looking, and have found a second job.  I think God was watching over me on that one.  I have had the last few days off (ending of my notice-start of new job gap) which is how I am able to catch up here! I promise I will at least do monthly updates from now on.

So far, August has started off OK.  While, I still have days of missing my Grandma.. Anthony takes care of me.  We are so blessed in life that we are actually coming back to Missouri in November, tickets booked this week.  I cannot wait to be home for a holiday and happier times. 

Last weekend we had Lilly and went to the park because it was absolutely amazing outside.  It is funny when in America I think 100 degrees is hot, but now that I am here and were outside and the air is still and 75 I am dying.  It is just a different type of weather that I think my body is adjusting to.  It still seems strange that I can wear jeans and a cardigan, and not be hot here.  The hot days are like warm spring/fall days and the rest of the time it feels like spring/fall weather.  It is nice most of the time.  Sometimes it gets a little warm in the house because there is no AC and we rely on a good breeze to come through the windows.  That being said, there is also no screens on the windows.  So, I have had to get used to the idea of bugs coming and going.  Mostly, it is flies or little spiders it actually has not been as bad as I thought.

Since I have had a few days off, I went on my first ever solo shopping trip.  I thought I would enjoy this, as Anthony drives me everywhere so he is usually with me when I shop.  I caught the bus into town, and walked around for a few hours.  I thought I would treat myself to a new work outfit or handbag...and I walked away with house hold cleaning products. *sigh* However, it was nice to just sit by myself and have a coffee outside in town.  In case you have missed it, our town center is absolute stunning! It is filled with old buildings and a cathedral.  So, just siting on a coffee shop patio and taking in the surroundings is peaceful.

I don't really have much more to say, this has been a kind of random blog post.

The garden at Central Park is just beautiful.  We love this park; mainly because it is huge.  They have a splash pool in the summer, sand pits to play in, a big jungle gym area, grassy areas to play ball, etc.  a beautiful garden, bird cages, tennis courts, and a little cafe.  It is really a nice park..if it were not so expensive to live by it, we would love to.

Lilly with her spotty ball

Thanks for stopping by,
Erica xx


Where did the time go? We're already in July??

July we had some fun!  We took Lilly up to a neighboring town called March to a fossil museum.  We weren't sure what to expect and overall the experience was just OK.  Lilly got to dig in a sandpit to find real fossils, she got to keep a handful as well.  She found things like shark teeth, plants, and vertebrae of sea animals.  She also got to mine for gold.

 River Bank in March
 Panning for Gold
 Digging for fossils

I also found it funny that our local Aldi was selling 'American' food around the fourth of July.  They had things like hot dogs, grape soda and rootbeer, giant marshmallows, cinnamon toast crunch (like) cereal, maple syrup and some other things.  We tried a few of the items, and the only thing that tasted remotely like the stuff back home is the marshmallows.  British take on American food is never quite right.  Like tacos, the flavoring for seasoning for the taco kits is BBQ or paprika.  No thanks!

We also had a really hot day, where we just went and sat on the riverbank to soak up some sun.  We brought books, a blanket and our sunglasses! Poor Anthony got burnt.. I got a mild (I mean minor,teen tiny) tan.  I don't think the sun is as strong here, so even when I do get sun, my skin just doesn't absorb it like it did in the states.  I also tried my first 99 flake.  This incredible whipped ice cream with a flaky chocolate stick in it.  So delicious!

On the weekend of July 1st, Anthony and I took a long weekend.  We went up to a neighboring town called Leicester.  Fun fact; Leicester's football (soccer) team won the premier league this year.  This is a pretty amazing thing for a small town team.  It was shown throughout the town how proud they were as they had banners all over local businesses showing support for the team.  Here's a quick article highlighting the win
During our time in Leicester, we went the the National Space Musuem.  It was a pretty neat place, and we were granted a promotional season ticket pass.. which is great, we can now take Lilly up there.  This weekend, we also had our friends Ryan and Alex come visit us in Peterborough.  We went to our favorite pub Charters again, and soaked up some sunshine and cider as it was cider fest.  Afterwards, we came back for pizza and games.

 At Charters

On a much sadder note, July is also the month where we lost my beloved Grandma Grace.  This was extremely hard for me, as I was far away when it happened. A huge thanks is owed to my parents for helping us get home for the funeral.  But, it is still something I feel sad about.  That I only got to say good bye to her over Facetime. My grandma was a great one, who loved us all without question.  She never told me I was crazy for loving an English man and for moving, but embraced it.  She loved the fact that I was moving over here, and embraced Jason (Anthony) and Lilly from day one.  It was beyond sweet when she sent Lilly a birthday card with five pounds in it, and Anthony a card addressed to 'Jason'.  Her funny wit makes us smile now.  Needless to say, there were plenty of tears between the two of us, and also the sharing of memories.  It was beyond a blessing for us to be back in America for this, and I am beyond grateful we were.  I would have felt so much guilt if we were not there.  And despite the circumstances, it was nice for Anthony to meet some of the family he never had.  I know I appreciated all the love and support he gave me and my family during this time.  I truly and a lucky one, and I think my grandma knew that about him.

When we came back from Missouri, we both went to work.  That weekend Anthony took me to the beach.  I think he knew I just needed a little peace of mind.  It was beautiful, and just what I needed.